드디어 4권 완독!!! 4월 중순부터 2달 조금 넘게 걸렸다.

그래도 계획했던 6월까지 완료. 계획이 느슨해서~ 기한 내 끝냈다.

4권이 가장 사건이 많고 책도 가장 두꺼워서 오래 걸렸다.

1장 빅토리아 시대와 세포이 항쟁을 시작으로 42장 사담 후세인과 걸프전아프리카의 독립과 남아공 최초의 흑인 대통령 넬슨 만델라로 끝을 맺는다.

각 챕터 하나 하나가 엄청난 역사적 사건을 포함하고 있다. 심화학습이 필요하다.

남북전쟁, 러일전쟁, 발칸전쟁, 1, 2차 세계대전, 한국전쟁, 베트남전쟁, 걸프전 등등

인류 역사는 전쟁사라는 걸, 전쟁사를 보면 인류의 역사를 알 수 있다는 말을 다시금 깨닫는다.


국가 간 전쟁 사이 사이 독립을 요구하는 목소리들, 혁명을 부르짖는 목소리들.

맺음말에서는 아직 본문에 들어가지 않은 911 테러가 언급된다.

2030년에 개정판이 나올 계획이라니, 911에 대해서는 그때 언급되겠지.

역사 읽기와 영어 읽기. 2가지 재미와 실력을 늘릴 수 있는 대단한 책이다.

나중에 재독하면서 깊이 읽기도 동시에 해보자!

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청아 2023-06-27 23:07   좋아요 1 | 댓글달기 | URL
이중에 한 권 가지고 있는데 저도 다 읽고 싶네요.
햇살님 시리즈 완독 넘 멋집니다!!^^*

햇살과함께 2023-06-28 00:01   좋아요 1 | URL
잃시찾 읽은 미미님 할 수 있어요~!

은오 2023-06-28 11:19   좋아요 1 | 댓글달기 | URL
크- 뭔지 잘 모르겠지만 2달만에 완독이라니 넘 축하드려요!! 게다가 원서!!

햇살과함께 2023-06-28 19:24   좋아요 1 | URL
어린이용 역사책이라 ㅋㅋㅋ
시리즈 다 읽는데 8개월 걸렸어요 ㅋㅋㅋ

Ch.42 The End of the Twentieth Century

The First Persian Gulf War

- In August 1990, Iraqi soldiers obeyed Saddam Hussein‘s orders to march into Kuwait and seize it.
- Some members of the UN wanted to press on further. They wanted to get rid of Saddam Hussein. They argued that Hussein was obviously going to keep on starting wars, no matter what. But many of the countries in the coalition, especially other Arab countries, wanted to end the war, now that Kuwait was free.

Africa, Independent

- Between 1960 and 1975, one by one, African nations freed themselves from the last bits of colonial rule. We‘ve already learned about the Union of South Africa, and about the Congo (Zaire) and Brazzaville becoming free from Belgium and France.
- In 1994, Nelson Mandela was elected the first black president of South Africa. Archbishop Tutu became head of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which began to uncover the wrongs done to blacks in the past.

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Ch.41 Communism crumbles-but Survives

Democracy in China

- The time between 1966 and Mao‘s death in 1976 became known as the Cultural Revolution. Every part of Chinese culture-newspapers, public gatherings, theaters, operas, and novels-had to praise Mao and Mao‘s policies. Children were encouraged to join the ˝Red Guard,˝ a youth military that swore loyalty to Mao. Every house in China had a picture of Mao in it. (It was dangerous not to!)
- After Mao died in 1976, Deng Xiaoping left his screw-factory and came back to Beijing. He claimed his old position as general secretary of the Communist Party, and-eventually-leader of China. Deng Xiaoping could finally make a few much-needed changes in China.
- Under Deng, China grew more prosperous. People had more to eat, better clothes to wear, and a chance of earning enough money to live well.
- But one thing in China didn‘t change. The Chinese were still not allowed to express their ideas openly-either in print or in speech.
- The rest of the world protested the violence of the June 4th Massacre in Tiananmem Square. But when it was over, the Communist Party still controlled

Communism Crumbles

- By November 11th, it was clear that more than the wall was coming down. The communist rule over East Germany was falling too. In 1990, East and West Germany were reunited into one country.
- Over the next few months, the countries that had been brought into the Soviet Union declared their independence one by one: Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Armenia, and all of the rest. When it was over, Gorbachev resigned. He had no more Soviet Union to govern! Boris Yeltsin would serve as the head of the ancient country of Russia-no longer communist, and no longer part of the USSR.

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Ch.40 The 1980s in the USSR

Chernobyl and Nuclear Power

- On April 26th, 1986, at 1:30 in the morning, an explosion shook the Soviet town of Chernobyl, just eighty miles north of the city of Kiev. A power plant had exploded. The fireball from the explosion killed thirty people.
- This might not seem like such a bad accident. But in fact, one hundred and thirty-five thousand people were in danger as soon as the explosion occurred. Another four hundred thousand were told that the accident might damage their health, permanently. The Chernobyl power plant was a nuclear plant-and the explosion in its fourth reactor was the worst nuclear disaster in history.
- The Chernobyl accident didn‘t stop the use of nuclear power. All over the world, nuclear power plants still produce electricity. Today, almost one-fifth of the world‘s electricity comes from nuclear energy. Meanwhile, scientists try to make sure that the power plants in their countries are safe, and that an accident like Chernobyl never happens again.

The End of the Cold War

- Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev are remembered for their work in ˝melting˝ the Cold War.
- The thaw began in Russia. In 1985, Gorbachev, who had become the leader of the Soviet Union, introduced a plan called perestroika. This is Russian for ˝economic restructuring˝- in simpler words, changing the way that the government runs the banks and owns land. Under perestroika, ordinary people were allowed to have more control of Russian businesses and even to own their own businesses once more.
- Then, Gorbachev introduced a second plan, called glasnosh, which is Russian for ˝openness.˝ Under glasnost, people in the Soviet Union were given greater freedom of speech.
- Peace Through Strength
- Although this may seem like a strange way to bring peace, it seemed to work. America still had strong weapons that it could use for self-defense-but it had also promised not to use other weapons to attack Russia. Glasnost, perestroika, and the INF (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces) Treaty spelled the end of the Cold War.

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Ch.39 The 1980s in the East and the Mideast

Indian After Partition

- At the time of partition, in 1947, Pakistan had been divided into two parts, East Pakistan and West Pakistan. But it was never a very good arrangement, because the two halves of this one country lay on either side of India separated from each other by thousands of miles. The government offices and the army headquarters were in West Pakistan. As time went on, East Pakistan became poorer and poorer, while West Pakistan prospered.
In 1970, East Pakistan
- Now, East Pakistan could declare itself independent from West Pakistan. It changed its name to Bangladesh. West Pakistan became known, simply, as Pakistan.

Iran and Iraq

- On September 22nd, 1980, Iraq invaded Iran. The Iraqis hoped for a short war. Their army had almost two hundred thousand soldiers in it. They were well-armed with Soviet weapons and tanks, and with guns from China, Germany, France, and England. Even the United States had agreed to support Iraq‘s attack against Iran and Khomeini.
- Even though the Iranians were taken by surprise, they fought back-ferociously! Instead of ending quickly, the Iran-Irag war dragged on for eight years. Saddam Hussein‘s planes bombed Iran‘s oil wells. Khomeini‘s planes bombed Irag‘s oil wells. No one knows for sure, but perhaps as many as one and a half million people died during the eight years of fighting. And the oil wells and pipelines in both countries were so badly damaged that it took years after the war ended to rebuild them.
- In 1988, Iran and Iraq agreed to stop fighting. Neither country had won.

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